

发布日期: 2023-02-21   作者:   浏览次数: 10

湖北武汉人20076月获华中科技大学哲学博士;20077月进入华东师范大学哲学系任教(讲师); 201012月—20121月受国家留学基金委委派,赴美国西北大学(Northwestern University)哲学系从事访问研究;201112月任副教授;201812月任教授。研究方向为哲学基础理论、黑格尔哲学、社会哲学以及社会认识论。著有《社会风险论》(中国社会科学出版社2011年)、《风险社会形上阐释》(上海人民出版社2018年版)。  先后主持包括国家社科基金青年项目“和谐社会视野中的转型期中国社会风险问题研究”、上海市哲社项目“本源与超越:黑格尔与马克思思想传承关系研究”、教育部社科规划项目“青年马克思的黑格尔转向研究”,以及浦江人才计划、上海市教委重点创新项目等。

In June 2007, he received his Ph.D. from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. In July, he joined the Department of Philosophy of East China Normal University as a lecturer. From December 2010 to January 2012, he was appointed by the China Scholarship Council to conduct visiting research in the Department of Philosophy, Northwestern University, USA. He was employed as an associate professor in December2011 at ECNU and was promoted to professor in December 2018. He was in charge of a variety of projects, such as the Youth Project of National Social Science Foundation named “Research on the Social Risks in the Transition from the Perspective of A Harmonious Society”, the project of Shanghai Philosophy and Society named “A Study of the Relationship between Hegel and Marx's Thought Heritage"social science project of Ministry of Education named “The Study of Young Marx’s tendency towards Hegelianism”, Pujiang Talents Programmes, and other major projects of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, etc.