

发布日期: 2021-02-28   作者:   浏览次数: 73

杨国荣,1957年生,浙江诸暨人。哲学系教授,中国现代思想文化研究所所长,华东师范大学学术委员会副主任、人文社会科学学院院长。教育部长江学者、国务院学位委员会第五、第六届哲学学科评议组成员。主要研究方向包括中国哲学、中西比较哲学、伦理学、形而上学等。主要学术兼职:国际哲学学院(IIP)院士、国际形而上学学会主席、国际中国哲学学会(ISCP)会长、中国哲学史学会副会长、中华孔子学会副会长、国际儒联理事、上海中西哲学与文化比较研究会会长、美国比较哲学杂志Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy编委等。在先秦哲学、宋明理学、中国近代哲学、道德哲学、形而上学等领域出版学术著作10余部,2009年前的主要著作收入《杨国荣著作集》(11种),2010-18年出版的数种著作未收入该著作集),10部著作先后在海外出版,多种论著被译为英文、德文、法文、韩文等,由Indian University Press、Brill等出版社出版。此外,在《中国社会科学》、Philosophy: East and West、Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy、Journal of Chinese Philosophy等国内及国际学术刊物发表学术论文数百篇。2012年,出版于美国的国际学术刊物Contemporary Chinese Thought (Summer 2012, Vol. 43 No. 04) 以Yang Guorong’s Concrete Metaphysics (《杨国荣的具体形上学》)为题,出版了介绍、概述其哲学思想的专辑(special issue)。

Yang Guorong, born in 1957, is a professor in the Department of Philosophy, East China Normal University, and the Director of the Institute of Modern Chinese Thoughts and Culture. At ECNU, he also works as the Dean of the School of Studies in Humanities. He is currently serving as the President of the International Society for Metaphysics (ISM), a member of the International Institute of Philosophy (IIP), a vice president of the Nation Society of the History of Chinese Philosophy. He is a holder of the Changjiang Professorship endowed by China’s Ministry of Education. His research areas include metaphysics, ethics, Chinese philosophy, and comparative philosophy. He is the author of more than 10 books and over 400 articles, including The Reciprocal Accomplishment of Self and Things: A Contemporary Chinese Philosophy of the Meaning of Being (Beijing, 2010; Indiana University Press, 2016),On Human Action and Practical Wisdom (Beijing, 2013; Koninklijke Brill NV, 2016), “Transforming knowledge into Wisdom” (Philosophy: East and West, 2002), “The Debate between Scientism and metaphysics in Early Twentieth Century” (Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, 2002), “Mengzi and Democracy”(Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 2004), “Being, Knowing and Wisdom” (Dao, 2005), “Being and Value” (Philosophy East and West, 2008), “Wang Yangming’s Moral Philosophy: Innate Consciousness and Virtue” (Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 2010), “Virtue, Norm, and Moral Practice” (Dao, 2014), “Yang Guorong’s Concrete Metaphysics” (Contemporary Chinese Thought, 2012), etc.