

发布日期: 2021-02-28   作者:   浏览次数: 53

刘梁剑,1975年生,哲学博士,华东师大哲学系教授,华东师范大学哲学系系主任,中国现代思想文化研究所所长助理,上海中西哲学与文化比较研究会秘书长。巴塞罗纳法普拉大学瓦提莫哲学与档案中心(UPF Center for Wattimo’s Philosophy and Archives)外籍研究员。出版专著《王船山哲学研究》(上海人民出版社,2016年;旧版《天际:对王船山的形而上学阐明》,上海人民出版社,2007年)、《汉语言哲学发凡》(高等教育出版社,2015年),译著《知识与文明》《剑桥中国哲学导论》《存在的遗骸》(与吴闻仪、吴晓番合作)等,在《哲学研究》、Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, Journal of Chinese PhilosophyContemporary Chinese Thought等海内外学术刊物上发文多篇。

Liu Liangjian (Sky Liu) received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from East China Normal University (ECNU), Shanghai. Since 2006 he has worked for the Department of Philosophy at ECNU, where he is now a professor, and dean of the Department of Philosophy. Liu is also a professor of the Institute of Modern Chinese Thought and Culture, ECNU. Liu is the author of An Introduction to the Linguistic Philosophy based on the Experience of Chinese Language (Beijing, 2015), Heaven, Humans, and Interrelationship: A Metaphysical Interpretation of Wang Chuanshan (Shanghai, 2007; 2015), as well as many Chinese and English articles concerning ethics, linguistic philosophy, history of Chinese philosophy and comparative philosophy in Journal of Chinese Philosophy, Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, Contemporary Chinese Thought, etc. He is also the Chinese translator of Barry Allen’s Knowledge and Civilization (Hangzhou, 2010) and Karyn L. Lai’s An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy (Beijing, 2013), and one of the co-translators of Zabala Santiago’s The Remains of Being (Shanghai, 2015).