

发布日期: 2021-02-28   作者:   浏览次数: 51

陈卫平,19516月出生于上海,原籍浙江上虞。华东师范大学学哲学系教授、博士生导师,中华孔子学会副会长、上海哲学学会副会长、上海炎黄文化研究会副会长、国际儒学联合会理事和学术委员。承担国家社科基金重大项目2项以及国家社科基金一般项目和省部级社科项目多项,中央马工程《中国哲学史》教材首席专家之一。主要研究方向为中国近现代哲学。在《中国社会科学》、《哲学研究》等刊物发表论文200多篇,其中2篇发表于美国的Chinese Studies in PhilosophyContemporary Chinese thought,一本著作在韩国出版;主要著作有:《第一页与胚胎——明清之际的中西文化比较》《孔子与中国文化》《中国近代思想家》《人的全面发展是新社会的本质要求》《徐光启评传》等。10余项科研成果获上海市和教育部哲学社会科学优秀成果奖。1995年享受国务院特殊津贴。1997年获宝钢基金优秀教师特等奖、曾宪梓基金三等奖。2001年和2007年两次获上海市育才奖。2006年和2019年获上海市科教系统优秀党员称号。

Chen Weiping was born in June 1951, Shanghai. His original household registration was Shangyu, Zhejiang Province. He works as both a professor and doctoral supervisor in the Department of Philosophy, East China Normal University. He works also as the vice-president of Chinese Society of Philosophical History, of Shanghai Philosophical Society, and of Shanghai Yanhuang Cultural Research Association, Committee and academic member of International Confucianism Federation. He undertakes one major project of the National Social Science Fund, several general projects of the National Social Science Fund and social science projects at the provincial and ministerial levels. He is one of the chief experts of the Central Horse Project History of Chinese Philosophy. His main research Fields is Chinese Modern and Contemporary Philosophy. He has published more than 200 papers in Chinese Social Sciences, Philosophical Studies, including 2 being published in Chinese Studies in Philosophy and Contemporary Chinese Thought in the United States, and one in Korea.